We love banana bread, but not all occasions call for an overly ripe banana.
A perfect banana is ideal for topping oatmeal, pairing with peanut butter for a quick snack
As bananas ripen, they release ethylene gas, which makes them turn brown. But there are some ways that might potentially slow down the browning of bananas
Bunches of bananas are often sold in plastic bags, but you'll want to make sure to remove them when you get home
Storing a bunch of bananas on a specific hanger will keep them from getting bruised, which might quicken browning.
Ethylene gas is released from the stems of bananas, which is where the bunch is held together.
Sunlight and warm temperatures will cause bananas to ripen faster. Keep bananas in a cool, dark place.
Bananas aren't the only fruits that release a lot of ethylene as they ripen. Apples, pears, potatoes