7 Common Foods That Can Seriously Harm Your Heart

Certain foods can negatively impact your heart health and increase the risk of long-term problems.

. The following 12 foods have been associated with heart-related issues and should be avoided to maintain a strong and healthy heart

Being aware of what to avoid is an easy step toward living a longer, happier life with a heart that remains strong.

Bacon is so terribly bad for you. It is especially bad for your heart. More than half of the calories in bacon come

In addition to all that fat, bacon has tons of salt. Consuming lots of salt leads to stroke, heart disease

Red meats such as beef, pork, and lamb, may raise your cholesterol levels. It is also higher in saturated fats than white meats.

While we are talking about meat, we want to point out that processed, deli-style meat is definitely bad for your heart health.

Lunch meats have extremely high amounts of salt, and, as we mentioned before, sodium causes heart issues.

