7 Seafoods You Should Think Twice About Eating

Seafood is a beloved staple in many diets, celebrated for its flavour and health benefits.

However, not every animal from the ocean has to be on your dinner table. Whether because of sustainability,

Bluefin tuna is highly prized for sushi and sashimi, but its populations are critically depleted due to overfishing

Conservationists warn that continued consumption could push the species to the brink of extinction.

You can help alleviate pressure on bluefin stocks and promote more sustainable fishing practices by simply choosing alternative tuna species.

When it comes to consuming shark meat, you’re faced with health risks due to the somewhat high mercury levels in it

Hence, you save yourself and the ecosystem by taking out this food option from your menus.

Swordfish is another large predatory fish known to accumulate mercury in its flesh from eating other fish in the ocean.

