An Expert Explains How to Wash Blueberries to Remove Dirt and Pesticides

Use Cold Water: Rinse blueberries under cold, running water to remove surface dirt and pesticides.

Do Not Soak: Avoid soaking blueberries, as it can make them mushy and reduce their freshness.

Use a Colander: Place blueberries in a colander to ensure water drains properly while washing.

Vinegar Solution: Soak blueberries in a mixture of 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water for a few minutes to help remove pesticides.

Gently Rub: Lightly rub the berries with your fingers to loosen dirt and pesticides without crushing them.

Rinse in Batches: Wash blueberries in small batches to avoid overcrowding and ensure thorough cleaning.

Dry with Paper Towels: After washing, pat blueberries dry with a clean paper towel to remove excess moisture.

Avoid Using Soap: Never use soap or detergent, as they can leave harmful residues on the berries.