Are Bananas Good for Diabetics?

They are a good source of a variety of vitamins and minerals and can be used in baking as a natural sweetener

However, "sweet" is often deprioritized for people with diabetes. Can diabetics eat bananas

Registered dietitians often field these questions, especially in a diet culture that demonizes sweet stuff as a whole.

Bananas often receive a negative reputation because some people associate them with high sugar content

Is the reputation fair? Are bananas good for diabetics? Dietitians peeled back the layers on bananas and diabetes,

Bananas are great because they are a great source of many nutrients, but they are particularly high in potassium and fiber

When discussing bananas and diabetes, it may help to understand the fruit's effect on blood sugar.

People with diabetes need to be conscious of carb counts and blood sugar because of how their bodies process insulin.

