Chia seeds make for a healthy morning ritual ingredient that is best consumed when soaked in water for a few hours or overnight.
Chia seeds are tiny, edible seeds derived from the plant Salvia hispanica, which are loaded with benefits
As per food experts, these seeds have been consumed for thousands of years, with a history dating back to ancient civilizations like the Aztecs
their nutritional benefits and energy-boosting properties. But, do you know the right time to consume chia seeds? Scroll down to find out.
What is the right time to consume chia seeds?Health experts suggest having chia seeds in the morning, especially on an empty stomach.
The rich fiber and water content can help boost metabolism that can help in weight loss.
As a pre-workout food, it is said to keep you full and energized, reducing the risk of feeling hungry or lazy during the workout.
As per experts, consuming chia seeds right before bed or as an afternoon drink is a bad idea. It is said that chia seeds as a rich source of fiber