Oh, meatballs — the spherical juicy orbs of meaty goodness have been a staple of the American diet forever.
They're easy to cook, even easier to consume, and every bite will make your day just a little brighter.
From spaghetti to subs, you can use this highly versatile food in any way imaginable -- it doesn't even have to include meat.
As you thoughtfully peruse the freezer section at your local supermarket, you might realize that choosing the right brand of frozen meatballs can turn into an arduous task
The fact is, no two frozen meatball brands are made equal, and with so many options to pick from,
There are factors to consider that you may not be able to glean just from reading the fine print on the back of the package.
The texture, flavor, seasonings, and the meat itself -- they're all important
What you don't want is a case of mediocre frozen meatballs zapping the joy out of a dish you thought was going to be the best thing