Gardening Tips: 5 Impossible-To-Kill Plants For Your Home

If you happen to be a beginner gardener or have a brown thumb, here's some good news

 Not all house plants require regular care or extensive expertise. These hard-to-kill plants pretty much grow by themselves and can thrive despite serious neglect

If you lack a green thumb, these low-maintenance house plants will be a great addition to your home:

Dracaena trifasciata, commonly referred to as snake plant is the best choice for you if you lack a passion for gardening but still want to spruce up your decor.

 A resilient succulent that can grow anywhere between 6 inches to several feet, these plants are easy to care

The scientific name for Pothos plant is Epipremnum aureum. Found in almost all Indian homes

Pothos likes shade and require low sunlight to grow, and can grow in areas with just fluorescent lighting.

Taking care of this trailing plant with heart-shaped green leaves and white, yellow

