Natural Drinks to Lower High Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a health concern affecting millions of people in the United States.

It is a type of edible gum that boasts several health benefits. While today’s generation might not be familiar with this marvellous gem

While the body needs cholesterol to function properly, excessive levels, especially of LDL cholesterol

 Fortunately, besides medications, there are natural ways to help manage cholesterol, such as incorporating certain drinks into your diet.

Among them, green tea and soy milk stand out for their proven benefits.

Green tea is widely recognized for its health benefits. While it's mainly associated with a metabolism boost

Green tea is widely recognized for its health benefits. While it's mainly associated with a metabolism boost, various studies have also shown its ability to reduce LDL cholesterol

However, no significant influence of green tea on increasing HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein), known as the "good" cholesterol

