What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Olives Regularly

Olives may be tiny, but they pack a lot of punch! And not just in the flavor department. Olives are filled with health-promoting nutrients that benefit digestion

So, are olives good for you? And is it okay to eat them every day? We spoke with a registered dietitian to find out what happens to your body

when you eat olives every day, plus the healthiest ways to enjoy them. Here’s what she told us.

“Olives are a staple of the Mediterranean diet and they're a good source of healthy fat, fiber and vitamins and minerals

Olives are a great source of monounsaturated fat, which may help to reduce your risk of heart disease, says Michalczyk

That’s because monounsaturated fats help lower harmful LDL cholesterol that can block your arteries, which can potentially lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Olives (and olive oil) contain powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. Research reveals that these multitasking antioxidants may protect against

Olives are a surprising source of fiber. That doesn’t just keep you regular. When you eat olives, their fiber travels to your gut

